March 2012 Newsletter

Yoyah Group

What Would You Do if You Were in My Position?
By Yoram Yahav

man-thinkingI know it may look strange at first glance, but trust me, if you analyze your dreams and your current realities in the “face of the future” and be totally honest about your truths, sooner or later, you will end up living them.

I am absolutely shocked these days from the breakthrough outcomes I see with leaders and organizations that are willing to dare and ask the right questions about their own livelihood… More>


Innovator: Can You Make It Fun?
By Prof. Shlomo Maital

fun-work“Innovate in dark corners.” Be creative in places where creativity is lacking or absent.

Global New York Times brings a great stimulating piece by behavioral economist Richard Thaler – make it fun!

He shows us how to alter behavior, in the right direction, simply by creating… fun. More>



Future Marketing – Why We Need to be Small and Focused Again
By Debbie Meltzer


At last we can make sense of the waterfalls of social media streams, SEO metrics and the big fat data. 2012 is supposed to be the year we harness social media to achieve results – the year we build real online communities and translate it into revenue.

No more spaghetti throwing on the wall to see what sticks. Finally we can make smarter decisions. Hang on… Can we be so sure we got it this time round? What if we have lost the ability to know how we know? More>



Towards a Resilient Future
By David Miron-Wapner

eaarth-by-bill-mckibbenEaarth is the latest call for deepening our understanding of the climate induced crises we face leading us inevitably to a future so altered that we lack the vocabulary to adequately describe what will be required of humanity to maintain the comfort and dignity of modern civilization. Expressing frustration at the failure of even the term sustainability to capture the gravity of our future challenges, Bill McKibben suggests: Robust, Durable, Stable, Hardy, and Sturdy; one and all solid, serious words. More>