July 2011 Newsletter

Yoyah Group

Will the Future Climate Require “Steel-Built” Umbrellas?
By Yoram Yahav

umbrellaI am neither a scientist nor a researcher on climatic trends. But, I can quote and learn from the experts. There are several panels, discussions and debates on whether the world is experiencing a “collapse” of its existing systems due to global warming, air pollution, excessive energy use and more.

I honestly don’t know what the reasons are for this situation, but I am ready and able to warn the industries and countries experiencing the weather-related disasters, that they should assume the situation will only worsen… More>

Tear Down This Wall
By Prof. Shlomo Maital


I took part in a unique program called “Bridging the Cultural Gap through Entrepreneurship.” The core idea was to bring Israelis and Palestinians (20 Palestinian undergraduate students and 24 Israeli undergraduate students) together at Babson College for seven weeks to study how to become entrepreneurs, then send them home to launch businesses together, with the help of mentors. All the Palestinians are from East Jerusalem and have Israeli identity cards.

Politics builds walls. Business tears down walls. This is our program’s credo. More>


Courageous Earth Travelers
By David Miron-Wapner

travelerCourageously encountering the world anew each day brings fresh perspectives. My wife, older son, who is completing a BSc in Environmental Sciences, and I, met our younger traveler son in Myanmar. We had visited Burma thirty years ago. Apparently, one upside of the repressive, anti-democratic 50-year old military regime and its steadfast refusal to permit rampant consumerism and development is a remarkable sense of environmental preservation. Eighty-five percent of the population still lives and works on the land… More>



Ready for the Next Big Wave of Megatrends?
By Debbie Meltzer

futureA lot of us have already seen viral videos of bio-skeletons to help physically impaired and older aged people move. But what happens when bio-tech becomes wearable? Soon bio-monitors will be personalized and wearable. Bio-gear will wirelessly track our metabolism and condition in real time while hooking us up to GPS. Eventually they could be embedded inside us.

Here is a close-up on research and technologies envisaged to mass transform us to a ninth decade More>